By Jorge Rubal, CEO & Medical Director
Laguna Beach Community Clinic
There’s a wise old saying of Leonardo da Vinci’s, “A long life is a life well spent.” Da Vinci lived to be 67 at a time when life expectancy through Europe hovered at 30 and 40 years of age.
I’d have to agree with da Vinci, and I’m pretty sure my maternal great-grandmother who lived to be 105, and my paternal grandfather who lived to 94, would too.
I asked my great-grandmother what she attributed her long life to and she replied, “I learned a long time ago not to worry.” She’s right, the medical community is well aware of the damage stress can cause the body.
But there is more to a life well spent. Observing my great-grandparents and grandparents, as well as some of my older patients, it’s apparent that lifestyle factors are also at play. Namely, staying active – moving your body every day – is essential, as is learning, keeping a curious mind, and staying engaged with family and friends.
I have a wonderful memory of my bachelor party in Las Vegas with my buddies, including my 82-year-old great-grandfather. We overate, drank too much, and danced until 2 a.m. My great-grandfather kept pace with all of us, until he outpaced us by rising a few hours later for a rigorous morning workout!
Laguna Beach and surrounding cities are home to one of the nation’s fastest-growing senior populations, with a record number living into their 90s.
A tremendous amount of study has been conducted in order to determine factors associated with longevity, and well has scientific research into methods to extend the lifespan, particularly in the area of pharmacology.
Unfortunately, for all the published scientific papers on longevity, there are just as many misleading or false reports circulating. That’s the driving reason the Laguna Beach Community Clinic is dedicating its 4th Annual Community Health Symposium to the timely topic of longevity. We want to provide free access to respected leaders in the field of longevity who will share from their wealth of evidence-based information. It’s happening Monday, Jan 13 from 9 – 11 a.m. in City Council Chambers at 505 Forest Ave.
I’m excited to hear from our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Claudia Kawas, who is renowned for her work with “The 90+ Study.” We also have some very noteworthy panelists who will be sharing the latest on nutrition, pharmaceutical developments, and fitness training. It’s a wonderful opportunity to glean from some of the brightest minds. After all, a mind that continues to learn is an important factor in longevity.
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