The Laguna Beach Community Clinic is launching its Back to Business program geared to support a healthy reopening. “We’ve been working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we’re here to support local businesses preparing to reopen and residents getting ready to return to work,” stated Dr. Jorge Rubal, the Clinic’s CEO and Medical Director.
Understanding that Laguna residents have been hit hard by the economic impacts of the pandemic, the Clinic wants locals to know that they offer a variety of low-cost payment options for a full spectrum of health services.
COVID-19 antibody testing is available as well as COVID-19 aftercare for those recovering from the virus or virus-like symptoms. Medical support remains available for those managing COVID-19 symptoms at home, and COVID-19 testing continues for the Clinic’s established patients.
The Back to Business program is easy to access, just call (949) 494-0761 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment. Those with an urgent need will be seen right away and those seeking a general health check-up will be scheduled within 5-7 days.
Visit to learn more.
The Clinic is open Monday through Saturday. The Laguna Beach Community Clinic is located at 362 Third St.