AKA “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…. “
Is “druff,” halitosis, sweat stains, excessive hair making you feel less than beautiful? We can help.
The scalp normally sheds dead skin cells. Dandruff appears on oily or dry scalps when those cells are shed at a faster pace. Excessive dryness, stress and hormonal changes can also be a factor. “Druff” may be controlled but not eliminated. First, wash your hair daily, and use an antidandruff shampoo until the problem is resolved. Look for a product containing salicylic acid or sulfur which loosen dried flakes and make them easier to wash away. Neutrogena T/Gel ($5-8) at drugstores which contains coal tar for inflammation of the scalp. If the problem still persists, make an appointment for further evaluation. IT’S NOT HOPELESS!
Strong flavors such as coffee, tobacco, garlic, and onions can leave you with bad breath, but the most common cause is bacteria. Odor-causing germs like to breed on the tongue and in areas in teeth and gums. Alcohol, allergy medicines, and nasal sprays also can contribute to bad breath. People who constantly diet are also prone to halitosis because the body begins to break down its own fat and produces a bad smelling waste product in the process. Simply…make sure to brush and floss at least twice a day, including brushing your tongue. If aggressive oral hygiene doesn’t help, the problem may be more complicated i. e. tooth decay, gum disease, or even a stomach or intestinal problem. Come in for a checkup if the problem doesn’t go away.
Sweaty pits or perspiration
Stress and anxiety can trigger sweating under the arms, palms, soles of the feet, and forehead. Caffeine and many medicines for depression can also aggravate the problem. Use an antiperspirant with a high percentage of aluminum chloride which blocks pores from sweating. The product Certain Dri is about $5 at drugstores. It’s best to dry problem areas with a hair dryer then apply the antiperspirant at bedtime. There are other treatments if you’re still feeling embarrassed or if there’s very little improvement.
What you put into your mouth will help you keep your smile bright and white. A balanced diet with limited between-meal sugary snacks helps prevent cavities. A dentist said flossing is more important than brushing your teeth. It helps massage your gums and removes bacteria and tartar near the teeth which prevents disease of the gums. Over a long time, ignoring your dental care can lead to decay, recession (shrinking) of the gums, loss of teeth, and even heart disease. Take care of them because you don’t get another set.
For more information about oral hygene, see the ADA website: